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Funmi Mohlie

What I Do

So how did this start?


My name is Funmi Mohlie, and I am from London, UK.  I worked in the luxury industry for over 20 years. One of the places I worked at was Harrods, where I got to experience an exquisite afternoon tea.  The seed was planted.


The whole concept started after my husband, our kids and I moved to Virginia in June of 2020. As we were getting settled and as a way to entertain people, I started hosting British afternoon teas for my friends in our home, and I would call them “mummy and me teas”. Then I received requests to host events for larger groups of people or provide British scones and decor for other people’s events. Encouraged by my friends and husband, I decided to start a quintessential British afternoon tea company with a twist: bringing the experience to your home or location of choice. Thus, Funmi’s Royal Tea was born.


After we purchased our very first home, I had the big job of decorating on a budget. We moved to Virginia from London with no furniture. So, I had to look for pieces of furniture that were our style and within our budget. I garnered new skills in repurposing furniture, made a few mistakes, and learned a lot of new tricks. As I was growing in my decorating of our home, friends and family were commenting about it, to the point where a few asked me to help them with their homes. Again, encouraged by friends and family Funmi’s Home Love was born.


Both aspects of my business use my innate skill sets in creativity, and I am loving the journey.


British Afternoon Tea
Funmi's Royal Tea Logo

Funmi's Royal Tea is the perfect way to experience the luxury of the British Afternoon Tea in the comfort of your own home. I bring the tea experience to you, serving up a range of traditional British teas and treats. I also provide my own unique twist on the classic experience, with a selection of modern favorites to choose from.

My goal is to provide an exquisite afternoon tea experience that you won't forget. Whether it’s for a special occasion, or just for a relaxing afternoon, Funmi's Royal Tea is sure to make it an unforgettable occasion.

Funmi's Home Love logo

At Funmi's Home Love, I understand that your home is a reflection of you, and I am passionate about helping you to create a space that reflects your unique personality and lifestyle. I strive to create beautiful interiors that speak to your heart and soul, while also taking into account your practical needs. My goal is to empower home owners to love their homes, and love their space, with thoughtful conscious design.

Living Room
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