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  • Funmi Mohlie

Which comes first jam or cream?

Updated: May 26, 2023

There is one debate in the Britain that has been happening for years when it comes to your traditional afternoon tea, also referred to as cream tea. One food that is synonymous with afternoon tea is scones - British scones. The debate has been whether you have your scone with jam first then clotted cream, or clotted cream then jam.

This particular debate has caused strong disagreement within the southern counties of England, mainly Devon and Cornwall.

Devonians lay claim to the first ever cream tea being served in Tavistock Abbey in the 11th century. Historical documents tell us that Ordulf the Earl of Devon, rewarded his workers with bread, clotted cream, and a strawberry preserve. At some point down the line, the bread was replaced with scones and the cream tea was realized. Devonians say the cream is like butter and forms the base of the scone “sandwich.”

In Cornwall this is heavily disputed. They say the jam must go on first, to better protect the cream from the warm scone, which would otherwise simply melt the cream.

The late Queen Elizabeth’s preference is jam first then clotted cream. However even her preference could not put to rest the disagreement. Both counties claim their way is the right way. An historical home in Cornwall was forced to apologize to its neighbors for daring to suggest that cream should go first. Lanhydrock House and Garden in Cornwall ran an advertisement for Mother’s Day tea, with a photograph of a scone with cream first then jam. This photograph caused outrage amongst the people of Cornwall. To the point that some threatened to cancel their membership over the ‘unacceptable’ image of the mismanaged scone. Lanhydrock House and Garden, reproached the staff responsible for the oversight, going so far as to make #jamfirst pins for their staff to wear.

What is your preference, jam first or cream? Or what food preferences do you stand by?

If you have not had the pleasure of having this treat, make a booking with Funmi’s Royal Tea, where I make freshly baked scones with clotted cream, and also to find out where my allegiances lie.


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